The Role of Management in Nurse Recruitment : A Comparative Literature Review

Zöllner, Rita és Szabó, Zoltán (2023) The Role of Management in Nurse Recruitment : A Comparative Literature Review. GAZDASÁG ÉS TÁRSADALOM, 34 (3). pp. 17-32. ISSN 0865-7823

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The shortage of nurses is a growing challenge in the German healthcare system, accompanied by an increasing trend of staff leaving the pro-fession. This article aims to explore a sustainable solution to this problem. The central research questions address the reasons why nurses leave and remain in the profession, as well as the role of management in structural changes and re-cruitment frameworks in the healthcare system. Through a comprehensive liter-ature review, reasons for nurses leaving are identified and linked to key aspects of practice conditions and the role of management. The empirical background looks at the demand for nurses and the influence of management on recruitment. This paper places particular emphasis on the important role of management in the long-term retention of nurses and argues for further research to better under-stand the complex interrelationships. In summary, the study emphasises that ad-equate and sustainable management is crucial to retaining nurses in the profes-sion in the long term, especially as it determines the framework conditions and the working environment.

Tudományterület / tudományág

társadalomtudományok > gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok


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Mű tipusa: Cikk
SWORD Depositor: Teszt Sword
Felhasználó: Csaba Horváth
A mű MTMT azonosítója: MTMT:34890870
Dátum: 03 Jún 2024 08:46
Utolsó módosítás: 03 Jún 2024 08:46

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