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Spinelli, Raffaele and Magagnotti, Natascia and De Francesco, Fabio and Kováč, Barnabáš and Heger, Patrik and Heilig, Dávid and Heil, Bálint and Kovács, Gábor (2022) Cut-to-Length Harvesting Options for the Integrated Harvesting of the European Industrial Poplar Plantations. FORESTS, 13 (9). ISSN 1999-4907
Spinelli, Raffaele and Kováč, Barnabáš and Heger, Patrik and Heilig, Dávid and Heil, Bálint and Kovács, Gábor (2022) The Effect of Target Log Length on Log Recovery and Harvesting Cost: The Example of Short-Rotation Poplar Plantations. FORESTS, 13 (5). ISSN 1999-4907
Heil, Bálint and Heilig, Dávid and Csanády, Viktória and Berta, Kinga and Kurdi, Róbert and Kovács, Gábor (2022) Effects of Red Mud on Plant Growth in an Artificial Soil Mixture. ACTA SILVATICA ET LIGNARIA HUNGARICA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL IN FOREST, WOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, 18 (2). pp. 151-166. ISSN 1786-691X
Spinelli, Raffaele and Kovács, Barnabás and Heger, Patrik and Heilig, Dávid and Magagnotti, Natascia (2022) First trial of a prototype chainflail delimber for the European short rotation poplar plantations. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH (Early Access: OCT 2022). ISSN 1612-4669
Heilig, Dávid and Kovács, Gábor and Heil, Bálint (2022) Influence of Soil Characteristics on the Growth of Poplar Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) under Suboptimal Conditions. ACTA SILVATICA ET LIGNARIA HUNGARICA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL IN FOREST, WOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, 18 (1). pp. 71-86. ISSN 1786-691X
De Francesco, Fabio and Magagnotti, Natascia and Kováč, Barnabáš and Heger, Patrik and Heilig, Dávid and Heil, Bálint and Kovács, Gábor (2022) Integrated Harvesting of Medium Rotation Hybrid Poplar Plantations: Systems Compared. FORESTS, 13 (11). ISSN 1999-4907
Fontenla-Razzetto, Gabriela and Wahren, Filipa Tavares and Heilig, Dávid and Heil, Bálint and Kovács, Gábor (2022) Water Use of Hybrid Poplar (Populus deltoides Bart. ex Marsh \times P. nigra L. “AF2”) Growing Across Contrasting Site and Groundwater Conditions in Western Slovakia. BIOENERGY RESEARCH, 15. pp. 1-19. ISSN 1939-1234
Meyer, Matthias and Morgenstern, Kristin and Heilig, Dávid and Heil, Bálint and Kovács, Gábor (2021) Biomass Allocation and Root Characteristics of Early-Stage Poplars (Populus spp.) for Assessing Their Water-Deficit Response During SRC Establishment. BIOENERGY RESEARCH, SI: Sustainable Poplar biomass Value Chains. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1939-1234
Heilig, Dávid and Heil, Bálint and Leibing, Christoph and Röhle, Heinz and Kovács, Gábor (2021) Comparison of the Initial Growth of Different Poplar Clones on Four Sites in Western Slovakia - Preliminary Results. BIOENERGY RESEARCH, SI: Sustainable Poplar Biomass Value Chains. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1939-1234
Haszonits, Győző and Heilig, Dávid (2021) Correspondence Between Vegetation Patterns and Soils in Wet and Wet-mesic Grasslands of Hanság and Tóköz (Hungary). ACTA SILVATICA ET LIGNARIA HUNGARICA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL IN FOREST, WOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, 17 (2). pp. 83-103. ISSN 1786-691X
Virano Riquelme, Victoria and Fontenla-Razzetto, Gabriela and Tavares Wahren, Filipa and Feger, Karl-Heinz and Heil, Bálint and Heilig, Dávid and Kovács, Gábor (2021) The Impact of Poplar Short Rotation Coppice on Topsoil Physical Properties and Related Water Conditions. BIOENERGY RESEARCH, SI: Sustainable Poplar Biomass Value Chains. pp. 1-10. ISSN 1939-1234
Heil, Bálint and Heilig, Dávid and Kovács, Gábor (2020) Comparison of Physical, Chemical and Biological Soil Properties under Norway Spruce, European Beech and Sessile Oak – a Case Study. ACTA SILVATICA ET LIGNARIA HUNGARICA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL IN FOREST, WOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, 16 (1). pp. 51-63. ISSN 1786-691X
Kovács, Gábor and Heilig, Dávid and Heil, Bálint (2020) Fás szárú energetikai ületvények technológiáját és ökonómiáját befolyásoló tényezők a gyakorlatban. In: Soproni Egyetem Erdőmérnöki Kar : Tudományos közlemények. University of Sopron, Sopron, pp. 187-194. ISBN 9789633343760
Heilig, Dávid and Heil, Bálint and Kovács, Gábor (2019) A vízellátottság és a tápanyag-utánpótlás hatása egy midi rotációs nemesnyárültetvény növekedésére. In: Soproni Egyetem Erdőmérnöki Kar VII. Kari Tudományos Konferencia : konferencia kiadvány. University of Sopron, Sopron, pp. 64-70. ISBN 9789633343227; 9789633343234
Heilig , Dávid and Heil, Bálint and Kovács, Gábor (2018) A növőtér-szabályozás hatása fás szárú nemesnyár ültetvény dendromassza-hozamára. ERDÉSZETTUDOMÁNYI KÖZLEMÉNYEK, 8 (2). pp. 51-59. ISSN 2062-6711