Groundwater Recharge from Below under Changing Hydro-Meteorological Conditions in a Forested and Grassland Site of the Great Hungarian Plain

Szabó, András és Gribovszki, Zoltán és Szolgay, Ján és Kalicz, Péter és Balog, Kitti és Szalai, József és Hlavčová, Kamila és Bolla, Bence Kálmán (2023) Groundwater Recharge from Below under Changing Hydro-Meteorological Conditions in a Forested and Grassland Site of the Great Hungarian Plain. FORESTS, 14 (12). ISSN 1999-4907

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The process of groundwater evapotranspiration and its subsequent recharge are fundamental aspects of the Earth’s natural water cycle and have significant implications for the preservation and functionality of various forested ecosystems. This study presents a case analysis examining the recent fluctuations in groundwater levels and their replenishment in two wells situated at a designated forested experimental area and a control site. The magnitude and temporal fluctuations of groundwater recharge were examined through the utilisation of a novel adaptation of the traditional White method, which was specifically tailored to the local context. We also tested the sensitivity of the White method as an indicator of the system’s behaviour because the signal has changed in relation to the access of the forests to groundwater under the conditions of regionally declining groundwater resources and a warming climate. The novelty of this approach is found in the examination of the temporal fluctuations in groundwater recharge, which are influenced by both a decrease in groundwater levels caused by forest evaporation in response to climate change and a regional reduction in groundwater supplies. As a result, the ongoing decrease in groundwater levels may have significant adverse effects on local forests.

Tudományterület / tudományág

agrártudományok > erdészeti és vadgazdálkodási tudományok
természettudományok > környezettudományok


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Mű tipusa: Cikk
SWORD Depositor: Teszt Sword
Felhasználó: Csaba Horváth
A mű MTMT azonosítója: MTMT:34406370
Dátum: 05 Szep 2024 08:53
Utolsó módosítás: 05 Szep 2024 08:53

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